Run basic terminal commands to remove macOS dock animation to lessen wait time.
Currently, there are no options in the settings to remove the macOS dock hiding animation. As a result, if you have the hiding setting turned on, there will be some delay for the dock to show up and hide. This can be annoying for some and can also cause a few second delay to open your apps.
Remove the hiding animation
Here are four steps to remove your macOS dock hiding animation.
Right click on your macOS dock and click "Turn Hiding On". No need to do this step if you have it already turned on.
Open your terminal.
- Type
then press enter.
Run the command below to remove the delay to show up and the animation itself.
defaults write autohide-delay -float 0; defaults write autohide-time-modifier -int 0; killall Dock
Test it out.
Customize the animation
If you want to keep the animation but remove the delay, run the command below.
defaults write autohide-delay -float 0; killall Dock
If you only want to modify the timing of the animation, change the number of seconds next to -float
to your liking.
defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0.25; killall Dock
Back to the original
To restore the default settings fo the hiding animation, run the command below.
defaults delete autohide-delay; killall Dock