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List of Free Cybersecurity Tools and Resources

· 2 min read
Joie Llantero

Cybersecurity tools can be quite expensive, and finding reliable free options is often a challenge. While free tools may not be as advanced as their paid counterparts, I believe they can still provide significant value. In this post, I've compiled a list of free tools I've discovered and tested so far, and I make an effort to keep it regularly updated.


Useful tools for IOC-based and community-backed detections.

What is a mutex?

Mutex is a type of object used by programs for multithreading to avoid threads writing into the same shared memory. Reference: SANS.


Useful tools to check suspicious website or detonate malicious files.

Phishing Analysis

Useful tools to aid when performing phishing analysis

Data Manipulation

Useful tool to encode, decode, hash, encrypt, decrypt, and more.

MITRE ATT&CK Framework

Security Vendor Threat Blogs