This is a repository of free cybersecurity tools and resources that can be used for investigations and other cybersecurity purposes.
Easily Remove the macOS Dock Hiding Animation
Run basic terminal commands to remove macOS dock animation to lessen wait time.
Creating a macOS Mouse Jiggler without Using Third-Party Libraries
Prevent your Mac from sleeping using a simple mouse jiggler coded in C programming language.
Importing an SSL Certificate from KeyVault to a Linux VM
Azure Key Vault can be used to create or import an SSL certificate for our website. In this article, we discuss how to transfer the certificate to our VM and use it to secure our website.
My First SANS Certification: SANS GPCS
The course had a well-structured learning-path with crucial topics for anyone utilizing cloud resources and attending in-person gave me a chance to connect with other security professionals around the globe.
Deploying a CTFd Site in Azure
Capture-The-Flag (CTF) in Information Security is a set of challenges or scenarios where participants find the answer called "flag". For instance, one can find a flag by solving programming problems or finding them in vulnerable servers.
This article covers how we can deploy an open-source CTF platform in the cloud.
ReactJS: State Persistence Using React Recoil
Recoil is an open-source experimental state management library by Facebook. It's one of the many libraries that makes managing states easier like persisting the theme state (light/dark mode) of your website. Other examples of such libraries are Xstate, Redux, Zustand, and Jotai.
Python: Building An Offline Random Name Picker
When we shifted to an online setup due to the pandemic, we had so many online activities where we needed a random name picker. There are websites that offer this service but, I wanted to have a privacy-centered program that can read a large list of names and runs on my own computer. Since this is offline and we control the code, we become sure that the data stays private.
I created a program that a user can run in their terminal using Python and it can read a list of names from either a comma-separated-value (.csv
) file or a text (.txt
) file.
GitHub: How to Create a README with Statistics for your Profile
In late 2020, GitHub released a new feature which allows users to create a README file for their profiles. This file is quite useful especially in marketing yourself. You can put an introduction about yourself, your work, skills, experiences, and more. Some people also put their GitHub statistics, which I will show you how to do in this article.
The statistics that will be shown will be an overview of your GitHub account. It shall display information such as total stars, forks, repository views, languages you used, and more.